Rom. 16:17 - Now I exhort you, brothers, to mark those who make divisions and causes of stumbling contrary to the teaching which you have learned, and turn away from them.

2 Tim. 2:25 - In meekness correcting those who oppose, if perhaps God may give them repentance unto the full knowledge of the truth.

Note 85 - Expansion of Dong Yu Lan's Work in North America

Brother Mungi, speaking in a meeting of the church in São Paulo, Brazil, November 16, 2008:

The Lord has given a special grace for the churches in Chile to receive this burden for Mexico. We are very encouraged and we do not want to lose this opportunity... I want to encourage you, not only for Chile, but to encourage all the churches in South America to go to Central America and Mexico. Mexico is not South America but North America. Of the 25 million inhabitants of Mexico City, at least one person of each family is living in the United States.


In 2008 Bruno Frossard, a Brazilian brother, moved to Toluca, a city approximately fifty miles west of Mexico City. Over twenty saints were already meeting in Toluca and were being shepherded by saints in Tlalnepantla. Brother Frossard had previously been involved in the spread of Dong Yu Lan's work, including announcing the establishment of the Lord's table in Kampala, where there was already a church, and of a website to support the work of Dong Yu Lan in Europe (see notes 82 and 83).

On July 9, 2008, Pedro Dong sent an e-mail to Helcio Almeida, Amir Silva, Ildeu Rodrigues, and André Dong, saying:

It is important to keep this channel that the Lord opened through Bruno for us to promote the Lord's burden in Mexico.

Amir Silva replied:

Let us prepare colporteurs to migrate up, up.

On August 27, 2008, Bruno Frossard sent an e-mail to Cezar Menegucci in which he said:

I have had full financial freedom to be with the saints in Mexico City, as well as the opportunity to use my trips while working to be with the saints. This is very good....

Toluca, where I live, is a city about 30 miles from Mexico City (capital). At present there is no church on paper [i.e., formally registered with the government], but according to the brothers in the capital, there are a few saints here who are being shepherded on a monthly basis by a brother whom I have not yet met. I want to get closer to the saints not only to be able to get together with them but also to support them in this region.... Let us go on forward! We are together!

Brother Dong's co-workers told the young saints in their CEAPE training that there were no churches in Mexico. As " Questions and Answers: About the Warning Letter Issued by the Churches in Mexico Concerning the Work of Dong Yu Lan" states:

In the fall of 2008 during the CEAPE training in Foz de Iguacu, Brazil, Amir Silva and others who were training young people to serve in Brother Dong's work stated publicly and privately that there are no churches in Mexico. They also contended that the North American co-workers asked them to send workers to Mexico to help carry out a training. Both statements are false and were used to entice young believers to go to Mexico to carry out a divisive work...

There have been churches properly standing on the ground of oneness in the Lord's recovery in Mexico for over thirty years. There are presently 77 churches with nearly 4,000 saints.

Brother Dong and his co-workers are well aware of the existing work and churches here. In our letter of September 30, 2008, we strongly told Brother Dong and his co-workers of our desire to maintain the one accord in the work through proper fellowship and coordination. Our fellowship was completely disregarded.

In the warning letter of January 2009, we mentioned a conversation that took place before 2005 between a co-worker from Mexico and Dong Yu Lan concerning the unwanted introduction of Brother Dong's literature to the churches in Mexico. In his recent speaking in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, on March 29, 2009, Brother Dong admitted his prior knowledge of the churches in Mexico, mentioned that he had visited the churches in Mexico, and spoke of the training center in Mexico City. Dong Yu Lan has even made the false claim that he started the churches in Mexico.

On September 30, 2008, the co-workers in Mexico wrote a letter to Brother Dong and his co-workers expressing their concern about attempts to bring in another work with another publication into Mexico. In it they said:

We recently learned that brother Bruno Frossard has moved from Brazil to Toluca, Mexico State, Mexico for his job. For the sake of avoiding any confusion in the work we have been carrying out there over the past several years, we felt that we should have fellowship with you about the situation in Toluca. We are pleased to inform you that the church in Tlalnepantla, a city adjacent to Mexico City has been laboring there for some years and has conducted three conferences recently with over 20 local saints and seeking ones attending.

Of course, as our brother in Christ, Brother Bruno is welcome to join the meeting of the saints. For the sake of avoiding confusion and division we ask you as those with whom he has fellowship to ask him not to start a separate meeting in Toluca. For the sake of the Lord's testimony of His one Body and one work, we ask you to please not send any workers to this city, or for that matter, any city in Mexico, in an independent and isolated way.

In Mexico we have paid a great price to labor together in a blended, coordinated way in everything we are doing, such as the literature work, the radio work, the full-time training, the many short-term trainings, Rema Media de Mexico, Rhema, the campus work, and the expansion of the Lord's testimony to the rest of Mexico, etc. We would surely feel very uncomfortable and unpleasant if any workers are sent here to work who do not regard or treasure this fellowship and this coordination. Our unique goal is to build up the unique Body of Christ in the fellowship of all of the Lord's co-workers and in the harmony of the entire Body.

Having used one publication material during these past many years, that of the Living Stream Ministry, and having found this material to be solid and adequate to feed the saints and build up the churches, we would like to make it clear that we ask you to not distribute any other materials here in Mexico. Of course, this request is not new; this is what was agreed upon together with you in the coworkers' fellowship in Anaheim in 1997 when we met together with you and Peter, regarding the use of publications from Brazil in places such as Mexico. We should not limit you in doing what you want to do in Brazil but it is wiser for us all not to have more than one publication on the whole earth so that confusion will not be created among the saints seeking the truth in the Lord's recovery for the building up of the unique Body of Christ.

The co-workers laboring in Mexico and the leading ones of the church in Tlalnapantla.

Click on the icon at right to view the document. 

This letter immediately became a topic of discussion among Brother Dong's co-workers. André Dong wrote an e-mail to an undisclosed recipient list, saying:


Read the attachment and think about what are we going to do or what are we going to respond. Brother Dong wants to hear you and he himself wants to write some points but he's open for fellowship...

I'm shocked how the news spread so fast. Someone must inform them. Next time we have to keep it secret. - André

This shows a clear intention to carry out an independent work in Mexico.

On October 1 Ezra Ma responded to Paul Hon, stating, "Brother Paul, we cannot accept what you are asking us in the letter. We have to and we will take care of our saints, wherever they are." Brother Paul Hon responded:

I have not met Brother Bruno personally, but I did try to contact him before going to Toluca two weeks ago to see if he could join our meeting there. We have no problem with him meeting with the churches anywhere in Mexico; however, we do not want him to make the mistake of starting another meeting in Toluca where saints are currently meeting. Neither do we want him or you to distribute publications other than Brothers Nee and Lee in Mexico. I told brother Dong several years ago when I was in São Paolo that when we found his material in our meeting, we disposed of it immediately. We are open for fellowship but not to the distribution of other publications in the churches in Mexico.

On November 2, 2008, Anibal Arancibia sent André Dong and others an e-mail that contained the following:

  • Attached to the message were three pictures, one of which was subtitled, "First meeting of the church in Toluca."
  • The email lists six brothers from three countries under the heading "THE TEAM SENT BY THE LORD TO MEXICO."
  • The following paragraph in the email is titled "THE LORD'S FIRST FRUITS IN MEXICO" and, after describing their home meeting in Tuloca, states "We can testify that the WORK OF EXPANSION IN MEXICO STARTED WITH THE NAME AND THE WORD" and "The ORDER IS TO MOVE FORWARD."
  • Near the close of the email, Anibal wrote: "We ask you to keep praying for the Expanding of the Kingdom in Mexico. We believe that the Lord will QUICKLY MOVE IN THIS COUNTRY."

On November 11, 2008, in a meeting in São Paulo, Brazil, concerning the work in Mexico, Brother Sun Mo Han said:

We need to buy two vans. Each of them costs $6000, Japanese cars. We decided to take 100 banners and we need to offer $30,000, in order that these 10 colporteurs could start working there.

On November 16, 2008, Brother Mungi shared the following in a meeting of the church in São Paulo: "I want to encourage you, not only for Chile, but to encourage all the churches in South America to go to Central America and Mexico. Mexico is not South America but North America. Of the 25 million inhabitants of Mexico City, at least one person of each family is living in the United States."

On January 18, 2009, the leading brothers and the co-workers in Mexico issued a letter of warning concerning the work of Brother Dong.

Recently a brother who has been active in Brother Dong's work moved to Toluca from Brazil for the purpose of employment. This young brother came to some church meetings in Mexico City, where he was received in the church's fellowship. We then learned that other workers from Brother Dong were planning to come to Toluca, where the saints had already begun to take the Lord's table as the church. We therefore wrote to Brother Dong and his co-workers on September 30, 2008, to inform them of our long-standing work in Toluca and of the saints who were already meeting there. We further asked them not to start a separate work or a separate meeting in Toluca and not to work in Mexico apart from the established churches and workers. Furthermore, the letter reiterated that they should not bring Brother Dong's ministry and publications to Mexico.

Concerning Ezra Ma's response, this letter of warning states:

What they refuse to accept is our request "to please not send any workers to this city, or for that matter, any city in Mexico, in an independent and isolated way."

It then goes on to say:

In his response, Dong Yu Lan's worker promised the brothers in Mexico, "But we will not... [have] separate meetings where there is already a church." Despite this promise, in less than two months a team of Brother Dong's workers joined with the brother in Toluca and began a meeting of their own, which they proclaimed as "the first meeting of the church in Toluca." Since they had been informed of our work in Toluca and of the saints meeting there, the meeting they established can only be considered as an intentional disregard of our fellowship and the establishment of a sect, a division.

Click on the icon at right to view the document. 

On February 11, 2009, Bruno Frossard sent a response to Brother Dong's co-workers concerning the warning letter. On many of the points Brother Bruno either misconstrued what the letter said or was simply uninformed. For example, he wrote that "the accusation that we announced the 1st meeting of the Church in Toluca " was "a great and convenient lie." The warning letter did not say that Bruno had announced such a meeting but that one of Brother Dong's co-workers had, and in fact Anibal Arrancibia had made just such a claim to Brother Dong's co-workers. In spite of knowing the truth, Brother Dong's co-workers praised Bruno's e-mail and put him in a position of defending their deception. The statement " Questions and Answers: About the Warning Letter Issued by the Churches in Mexico Concerning the Work of Dong Yu Lan" (henceforth, " Questions and Answers") contains many more examples of inaccuracies in the rumors spread by Brother Dong and his co-workers concerning events in Mexico.

On April 5, 2009, Brother Dong told saints in Chile that he had fellowship with the co-workers in Mexico before sending saints there:

Therefore, when we went to Mexico this time, we had beforehand requested that they give us the addresses of the churches that already existed. So when we went, we did not go to the places where there is already a church. Thank the Lord. We are following the Lord faithfully.

Click the icon to listen to an excerpt from the audio of this message.

Brother Dong's statement is wholly false. His workers did not go to Mexico in fellowship with the co-workers in Mexico, and they did go to places where there was already a church (see page 4 of " Questions and Answers" or click here for a PDF with a picture of the saints sent by Brother Dong's work to Mexico). For example, the brothers who were presented to the International Conference at Estância Árvore da Vida as the "firstfruits" of Mexico were from Mexico City. There has been a church in Mexico City and at present it has about 1,000 saints. There were also churches in Toluca and Acapulco.

" Questions and Answers":

In Anibal Arancibia's November 2, 2008, report from Toluca, he listed seven "new saints in the fellowship." Of these, two are from Mexico City, two are from Metepec (a suburb of Toluca), and three are from Toluca. The ones gained by Brother Dong's work were declared "the Lord's first fruits in Mexico" in complete disregard of the saints already meeting in local churches in Mexico. None of those gained through Anibal were brought into the fellowship of either the church in Toluca or the church in Mexico City, but a number of Mexican believers were taken by Brother Dong's workers to Estancia Àrvore da Vida in Brazil and presented to the gathering there [see page 6 of " Questions and Answers" or click here for picture]... It is clear that these "first fruits" were fruit of and for Brother Dong's separate and independent work, not fruit for the building up of the churches.

On Saturday morning, February 28, 2009, Ezra Ma spoke for a half hour before Brother Dong's message in the International Conference at Estância Árvore da Vida. In that speaking he claimed that the warning letters from the churches in Mexico was full of lies. Brother Anibal later told saints in Rio de Janeiro that the warning letter was a lie because he had never been to Toluca. As " Questions and Answers" states:

Ezra Ma claimed during the recent conference in Sumaré that we falsely accused Bruno Frossard of "starting the first church meeting in Toluca." He further claimed that there was no such meeting. However, we did not accuse Bruno of starting this divisive meeting. What the warning letter says is that a team of workers came from South America to be with Bruno and that this team "began a meeting of their own which they proclaimed as 'the first meeting of the church in Toluca.'"

This sectarian activity was boldly announced in a letter sent by Dong Yu Lan's co-worker Anibal Arancibia to André Dong, Amir Silva, Mungi Chung, Alex Vallejos, Benjamin Prieto, and Manuel Arancibia. The email, dated November 2, 2008, has been circulated within Brazil and beyond. In the email, Anibal listed those with whom he met and stated that they met in the home of a couple who lived in the city of Toluca. Attached to this e-mail were three pictures, one of which was labeled "first meeting of the church in Toluca."

See page 3 of "Questions and Answers" or click here to view the pictures circulated with Anibal Arrancibia's e-mail.

Click on the icon at right to view the document. 

Brother Dong told the saints in Canada that the saints in Mexico need his ministry to bring them into the light concerning the kingdom of the heavens. As a result, his work is spreading aggressively into Mexico:

Yes, the Bible does say that the gospel of the kingdom must be preached to the whole inhabited earth...But for the time being this has been practiced only in South America, only for the time being. In Mexico, I never heard them talk about this gospel of the kingdom. They talk about the church; the church is still in that stage of the church to church. They have not seen yet that the Lord put us in the church for the kingdom. They haven't had this light yet. (Dong Yu Lan, Conference in London, Canada, October 14, 2007, Question and Answer Session)

Click the icon to listen to an excerpt from the audio of this message.


Brother Dong has a long association with the church in London, Ontario. David Wang, an elder in London, is listed on Brother Dong's roster of co-workers. The church there is not open to the general ministry. Brother Dong has spoken in conferences there twice a year since at least 2005. His Daily Food is translated into English and is posted on a website ( operated by the church in London. Daily Food can also be downloaded from London 's website in Italian, Spanish, French, and Swahili. The Gospel Propagation Perfecting (GPP) training was started in London in 2002 (for example see, Invitation to GPP in London, May 2, 2005). Groups of Spanish-speaking saints traveled to other Canadian cities to preach the gospel, causing problems among the churches due to a complete lack of fellowship. Reports have been received of attempts to spread into the Kitchener area, Montreal, and Kincardine. In the church in Kitchener, some saints stopped meeting in order to follow the GPP workers and start meetings in a near-by town.

Letter of warning to the saints in the churches in the Lord's recovery in Canada, March, 17, 2009:

  • In Cambridge, a city neighbouring Kitchener, Dong Yu Lan's workers surreptitiously drew saints away from the church in Kitchener, where they had been meeting, and established a separate meeting. Fellowship between these saints and the church in Kitchener was cut off.
  • In Guelph, another city near Kitchener, workers from London set up a separate meeting despite efforts to blend the saints in their meeting with saints already meeting in Guelph and being cared for by the church in Kitchener.

  • Click on the icon at right to view the document. 

The work in London, ON, has also been active in Kincardine, a small city north of London on the shore of Lake Michigan. They have established a church there and break bread.

When I got to London, the brothers from GPP were in the field, in Kincardine, a small city that distance about 2 hours from here. They are already preaching the gospel for 3 weeks and I could see how the Lord has blessed us...The Lord raised up a family just in the first week of the gospel preaching and they received immediately the vision on the church. By his own initiative, the father, got the grape juice and broke the bread! Hallelujah for the church in Kinkardine! (E-mail sent to EAV, Testimony of Canada, August 21, 2007, Silvia [translated from Portuguese])

Dong Yu Lan, Daily Food: Growth in Life for the Kingdom, Week 3, Friday:

Wherever we preach the gospel, we need to preach the gospel of the kingdom. As we read in Matthew 24:14, the Lord will come when the gospel of the kingdom is preached in the whole inhabited earth. Praise the Lord! Now we are in Canada. The Lord has put you in Canada. Here in Canada everyone must hear the gospel of the kingdom. When the gospel of the kingdom is preached in every city here in Canada, the Lord will come.

Dear brothers and sisters, this burden is upon you, because you live in Canada. But we don't know when you will bring the gospel of the kingdom to all of Canada. This is your responsibility. The Lord only will come when the gospel of the kingdom would be preached in the whole Canada. This is your responsibility. The same thing is happening in the United States. Every city must hear the gospel of the kingdom. Not only so, but also those who come to the church must grow in life in the kingdom, so they would mature.

The United States

Brother Dong's intention to carry his work into the US:

Dong Yu Lan, Daily Food: He Who Believes, Out of His Innermost Being Shall Flow Rivers of Living Water, Week 7, Thursday:

The Lord may be calling some in this conference. The sea may be stormy but when the Lord says, "Come", you can go! But to Africa? To Europe? To USA? Oh, what a responsibility! But if the Lord is calling you, He will be responsible for you.

Dong Yu Lan, Daily Food: The Latter Ministry of the Apostle John, Week 18, Tuesday:

Offerings should not be restricted only to the needs of the church in our city. We also need to have the practice of offering when there are other needs. Especially now that we are in the spread, much more we need to offer. Perhaps some may have the burden to offer for project ARCA (Regional Perfecting of Colporteurs for the Amazon, South America, North America and Africa). We have to continue offering, even if we our financial condition isn't good, because it is the Lord who gives us the riches. Each one of us needs to be perfected regarding offering.

Several of Brothers Dong's co-workers—notably Cezar Menegucci, Ezra Ma, and Miguel Ma—have traveled up and down the east coast of the United States, gathering saints for meetings with no fellowship with the churches or the workers in those areas whatsoever. For example, in April 2009, Miguel Ma traveled to Boca Raton, Florida; Savannah, Georgia; Raleigh, North Carolina; Boston, Massachusetts; and Washington, DC. Each of these cities (called by them "cities of refuge") had a "region" associated with it and one or more "coordinators" assigned. Four of these cities have existing local churches, yet none of these churches were contacted.

Dunn Loring

According to the brothers in Dunn Loring, VA (Sources: Interview with Bob Little, Jeson Lee, Paulmon Kwang, Oswaldo Rivers, and Francisco Fernandez, October 4, 2007; Letters from Dunn Loring to Cesar Menegucci, January 12, 2002, and February 22, 2002; Letter from Bob Little to Dong Yu Lan, December 21, 2005):

  • The Spanish-speaking saints in the Dunn Loring area were invited to Dong Yu Lan's conferences in Newton, MA without the knowledge of the leading ones in the area churches; Bob Little wrote letters to Silas Wu, Cesar Menegucci, and others concerning these matters, yet the problems persisted. Bob also wrote directly to Dong Yu Lan about these and other problems (e.g., competing conferences, different publications, and a separate work), but Brother Dong never replied and the problems continued.
  • Some South American saints distributed Brother Dong's literature to the local saints; this continued even after the leading brothers in the churches asked them to stop.
  • There were home meetings established by Brother Dong's work in Beltsville, MD, and other nearby cities. Some of the saints involved were openly hostile to the leading brothers in the area churches.
  • Problems were caused by those associated with Brother Dong's work and conferences concerning one publication work in the Lord's recovery and other matters.

NOTE: In November 2008 Ezra Ma spent two days in the Maryland area and met with some of those who stopped meeting with the church after being influenced by Dong Yu Lan's work.


According to letters from the church in Boca Raton dated October 30, 2007, and from the church in Miami dated November 1, 2007:

  1. Emerson Dias, a Brazilian worker, was sent to Jacksonville in 1999 at the time of the migration there.
  2. Emerson Dias and Salomon Ma tried to distribute Brother Dong's literature in Miami even after they agreed with the leading brothers to stop their distribution.
  3. Emerson Dias moved to Boca Raton but started Brother Dong's work there rather than join himself to the church in Boca Raton.
  4. Emerson Dias has gathered people out of the existing churches (Orlando, Boca Raton, and Miami) to support his work without any fellowship with the leading brothers of those churches.
  5. In 2007 those drawn to that work in the Boca Raton area were calling themselves the church in Boca Raton, even though there has been a church standing there for many years.
  6. There was at least one Lord's table meeting in Boca Raton established by Helcio Almeida. However, after Thanksgiving 2007 it, along with other Brazilian-established tables in nearby cities, was reportedly suspended.
  7. Cesar Menegucci and Emerson Dias planned to hold a conference during the 2007 Thanksgiving conference, the same time as the blending conference in Boston.
  8. Although the main emphasis of Brother Dong's work is in Stuart and Port Saint Lucie, there are regular weekly meetings in Boca Raton and the nearby area.

In November 2007 Ezra Ma, Cesar Menegucci, and Emerson Dias met with the co-workers following the Thanksgiving Conference in Boston. With Brother Dong's approval, they agreed to cease working in the United States. However, in January through April of 2008, 12-15 saints from Brazil traveled to Florida for "GPP North America 2008" and worked in Florida and Georgia. Cesar Menegucci and another Brazilian worker were involved in the GPP. (Source: Levi Salvador, "Further Information from Boca Raton, Florida," February 25, 2008). Ezra Ma visited the Portuguese-speaking saints in south Florida in November 2008 without any fellowship with the churches in the area. He spoke in Boca Raton, Coral Springs, and Margate. (Audios were posted at but are currently unavailable; see also note 86).


Participants in the Gospel Propagation Perfecting carried out in Florida traveled to Georgia in the first part of 2008. One of Brother Dong's co-workers posted pictures of their visitation on the Internet. On February 22, 2008, Cesar Menegucci sent an e-mail to Roberto Graner ordering books for Georgia.


  1. Brother Dong's workers have developed an independent Brazilian work in the New England area which conducted its own meetings and established its own churches and "table" meetings. An e-mail from Cesar Menegucci dated December 5, 2007, indicates the scale of the Brazilian work in the New England area:

    As you probably know those called districts are the cities where the larger numbers of saints contacted by them meet. The districts that I know of are: 1st (Boston) 2nd (Revere, Everett, Malden, Woburn, Medford and Sommerville) 3rd (Framingham, Marlborough, Milford, Ashland, Hudson and Natick) 4th (Nashua, NH and region). In the 1st district they were having the Lord's table. In the 2nd district the Lord's table is in Revere and Everett. I believe they alternate between these two cities. In the 3rd district the Lord's table is in Framingham. In the 4th district the Lord's table is in Nashua, NH.

  2. A conference was held for Portuguese and Spanish speakers at Marlborough during the Memorial Day weekend in rivalry with the international conference scheduled at the same time. There was much criticism of the American churches and co-workers and saints were encouraged to establish churches in the localities in which they lived, regardless of their number and apart from the fellowship of the leading ones. As a result, an attempt by some saints was made to register as the church in Boston. In Cesar's report dated May 31, 2007, he says:

    It was wonderful to see the saints from several cities to stand up to rescue the possession of the land (city) where they live in and to decide to break the bread there. On Sunday evening in Boston, we had the baptism of a new brother (from Madrid, Spain); afterwards we broke the bread praying for that brother in the end, sending him to Madrid (he left today). On the same Sunday night there was the 1st meeting of the Lord's table in the city of Revere, at 11:55 PM, and the meeting lasted until 2:00 AM... and soon we'll have other cities, like Lowell, Clinton, Waltham... Everyone wants to practice the word!!

  3. The brothers in the Boston area learned that under the encouragement of the Brazilian work, some were breaking bread as the "church in Boston." This was initiated without any fellowship with the non-Brazilian saints living in Boston, so on July 16, 2007, the leading brothers in Cambridge and Boston wrote to one of the brothers involved to protest.
  4. On September 27, 2007, the brothers in Cambridge and Boston wrote to Cesar Menegucci, charging him to stop the independent table meetings and attempts to incorporate as churches groups initiated outside of the fellowship of the Body.
  5. By the time of the 2007 Thanksgiving Conference in Boston, Ezra Ma and Cesar Menegucci made the following assurances to some of the brothers from New England and some of the co-workers:
    • They would stop the 'table' meetings in all of the places in the United States where Dong Yu Lan's workers had established them.
    • They would stop the distribution of Dong Yu Lan's literature, including Daily Food, in the United States and recall any stores of literature.
    • They would encourage their followers in New England to meet with the existing churches and to use Holy Word for Morning Revival in the meetings.
  6. However, a December 2007 e-mail between Ezra and Cesar indicates that they would not have their followers use the Portuguese Holy Word for Morning Revival. It also revealed that they viewed those saints as a separate entity from the existing churches.
  7. In a January 2008 e-mail, Cezar Menegucci's wife ordered 120 copies of Alimento Diario (Daily Food) from Editora Árvore da Vida for delivery to Boston.
  8. A group of saints in Boston following Brother Dong continued to put out "Announcements" in the name of the the church in Boston
  9. Ezra Ma visited New England in November 2008 and spoke in five meetings in Framingham, MA; Nashua, NH; and Clinton, MA. Except for Newton, MA, the leading brothers in the churches in the area were not informed of his plans to visit.

In November 2008 Ezra Ma visited and gave messages in several cities in the US: Framingham, MA; Nashua, NH; Clinton, MA; Boca Raton, FL; Coral Springs, FL; and Margate, FL. None of the leading brothers in the churches were informed of his coming.

In April 2009 Miguel Ma visited Boca Raton, FL; Savannah, GA; Raleigh, NC; Washington, DC; and Boston, MA. On planning documents these five cities were labeled "cities of refuge." Each "city of refuge" had a "region" associated with it and one or more "coordinators" assigned. There are local churches standing on the ground of oneness in four of these cities, yet none of the leading brothers were contacted and none of the co-workers were informed.


E-mail from Cezar Menegucci, September 8, 2008:

Brothers from Venezuela are going to Cuba to take the gospel of the Kingdom to their fellow countrymen. Pray for this.

E-mail from W.A. to Salomón Ma, December 18, 2008:

Beloved brother Solomon, we had a really marvelous experience on the island of Cuba, where we stayed to establish the church in Contramestre. The contacts were fresh and marvelous. We felt the leading of the Lord in our stopover on the island accompanying us in every moment. We do not want to pass any information that was not precise, so we have revised and reviewed our stopover on the Island and are sending the following report in the fellowship of the Body of Christ.

E-mail from Salomon Ma to Pedro Dong, Andre Dong, Ezra Ma, Ildeu Rodrigues, Roberto Graner, Miguel Ma, Roderick Wilson, Cezar Menegucci, and others, December 18, 2008:

I pass on, in confidentiality, solely for the knowledge of Brother Dong and ourselves, the enclosed encouraging report, which I received today. It is regarding the incursion in Cuba made by a team of brothers from Venezuela, led by Silfredo and Wilbardo. We praise the Lord for the work of the Spirit and of life, for the organic ministry, for the gospel of the kingdom!...

El Salvador and Honduras

Letter of warning to the saints in Central America and the Caribbean, March 15, 2009:

Since the middle of 2007 it has become increasingly evident that Brother Dong's work is seeking to make fresh inroads into Central America and the Caribbean. Co-workers of Brother Dong from London, Canada, began to visit Nicaragua. Later they expanded their visitation to El Salvador and Honduras. Saints meeting with local churches in the Lord's recovery have been drawn away to meet apart from those churches. Late last year workers who follow Brother Dong's ministry went to Cuba, where they claim to have established a meeting. All of this work in Cuba and Central America was done with no fellowship whatsoever with the existing churches or with the co-workers involved in the work in those countries.

Click on the icon at right to view the document. 

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